One problem that can arise particularly for affiliates based outside the US is that they often receive commissions in US dollars or some other currency other than their own and want to be able to...
Site-Wide Drop In Google Rankings On A Website (Causes & Fixes)
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One very important thing to do when starting a new Wordpress website is to get the permalink structure correct from the beginning. The default settings that Wordpress assign for permalinks is not...
Setting up multiple tracking IDs for your Amazon Affiliates account can be a very useful thing to do once you have multiple different affiliate sites up and running. It allows you to assign a...
"Content is king" is a phrase you will often hear about blogging and internet marketing, and it is very true. There is rarely a better use of time for someone starting out on a new site than to...
TablePress is a fantastic free Wordpress plugin which allows anyone to build tables for price comparisons or anything else for their website. The one problem however is that the columns do not come...
Once a passive income or niche sites start to gain some traffic and monetization becomes more of a focus, many bloggers want to know how they can maximize their revenue from different countries...